Updated : November 7, 2001
Nothing much new. Just got a copy of FS2K2 and it's great. I'm still awaiting Dreamfleet and WilcoPub's compatibility fix for their 737 and 767 airplanes. I still have FS2000 installed to enable me to fly these third party aircraft. This means that I had my CFS2 removed from my old 6 gig Hard Drive. I am planning to get myself a new hard drive soon. Anyway, for those of you still thinking about FS2002, I will tell you that it is absolutely great. Trees and buildings all over, no more problems with depth perception, a great VFR sim!!! Runs better on my computer too... better than FS2000 that is. ^_^
The A6M2 Zero, Saburo Sakai campaign is now completed. You can download the campaign from
my CFS2 page. See the readme file for the third party aircraft requirements. Sakai's famous mission over Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima were not included in the zip file because I simply didn't have the time to do them. I will try to release those 2 missions separately when I get a chance to work on them. Email me if you encounter any errors while playing the campaign. Thank you for your patience.
Welcome to my page. My name is Kevin Sison. I am from Mississauga Ontario Canada. I am 21 years old. I am taking Aviation Maintenance Technician at Centenial College in Scarborough Ontario. I am also a pilot flying from the Brampton Flying Club Airport. I currently hold a Private Pilot License and I am working for my Commercial License.
I've been flying Flight Simulator since 1995 when I was around 14 years old. Flight Simulator has introduced me to the world of aviation. It is a great tool for promoting aviation and flight training. Although, some may argue that sims give student pilots nasty habits, the sim can be more helpful if a person reads and study the rules and fundamentals of real time flying. When used correctly, the sim can be a great tool for practice. This is especially true with the newer FS2000 and FS2002 versions with the improved graphics, real weather(FSmeteo third party addon), ATC, dynamic scenery generation, etc.
I used to make aircraft and sceneries for flight simulator 98 and 2000. This website contains all my works for flight simulator in the past years. When flight simulator 2000 came out, many freeware and shareware products came out that are really good and highly realistic; as a result, I no longer make airplanes for the sim. I do make modifications on some of the freeware and shareware airplanes that I have installed on my computer in order to make them more realistic for my own flying.
I am also a CFS2 fan and have made several campaigns representing both Japanese and American sides in the bloody air war over the Pacific. I have opened a new CFS2 page for you to download my works. I've been very interested about WWII history. I regard the men and women who fought during the war with high respect and admiration. I must say that, some of them have touched my life so greatly after reading their stories in novels and history books.
Thanks for visiting my site. I wish you clear skies and safe flying.
Please select from the Aircraft manufacturer or Scenery area that you like. The link will bring you to a selection of files related to that topic.
Please note that you will require Flightshop converter 98 in order for these aircraft to run in FS98. You can download the converter from the Microsoft Flight Simulator website or at www.Flightsim.com.
FS98 Boeing Commercial Aircraft
FS98 Airbus Industrie Aircraft
Microsoft Combat Simulator 2 Page
General Aviation Page
Philippine Scenery
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Flight Simulator Related:
Flightsim.com - The number one Flight Simulator resource site on the net
Phoenix Software - Creator of the 747-400 and 777-200 line of realistic airplanes and panel for Flight Simulator. AETI homepage - Creator of the very realistic 747-200 panel and airplane for flight simulator. Dreamfleet 2000 website - Creator of very realistic panels and aircraft for FS2000.
Real life aviation links:
Brampton Flying club website - My flying school and the largest flying club in north america.
AOPA Website - This site contain lots of information for pilots and enthusiasts.
NAVCANADA Aviation Weather - Canada's aviation weather website.
AIRLINERS.NET - TONS of photos and information on airliners and more right here.